“Are You Still Struggling With Scoliosis And Desperate To Avoid Painkillers And Surgery?”

Are you struggling with scoliosis that’s getting worse, leading to agonizing back and neck pain, and want an alternative to surgery?

After years of treating scoliosis in Utah with my natural and proven methods, I have seen how fast results can come when the right strategies are in place.

My clinic focuses on safe, drug-free, and non-invasive treatments that have been shown to reduce your curve, and help you lead a happy, healthy and active life – even for people who’ve had scoliosis for decades!

What Is Adult Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is the term to describe an excessive curvature of the spine and is often first identified in childhood.

Scoliosis can be mild and lead to minor issues such as occasional back and neck pain, and uneven posture.

However, scoliosis can be more severe, resulting in agonizing pain, difficulty moving freely, and meaning you aren’t able to take part in the hobbies and sports you love.

What Causes Adult Scoliosis, and Why Is It Such a Problem?

The cause of scoliosis is still not fully understood however it is believed to be caused by several factors such as genetics, birth defects, injuries as a result of accidents, and neuromuscular conditions.

Scoliosis at any age can present huge problems, and traditional approaches push you towards pills to mask the pain, braces to try and stop the progression of your curve, and surgery when all else fails.

However, for adults specifically, scoliosis seems to lead to much more frequent and severe back and neck pain.

For adults with scoliosis, it can be a condition that is battled for years and can take a massive mental and emotional toll on you, as well as the physical challenges too.

But there are ways to treat scoliosis, reduce your curve, and help you lead a much fuller and happier life.

Why You Haven’t Been Able To Cure Your Scoliosis Before?

The standard approach you have most likely been told is that nothing can be done to treat scoliosis, and that you should wait to see if it gets worse.

And if it does get worse, the usual recommendation is surgery – which I understand many people are desperate to avoid due to the risk of complications, long recovery times, and the need for hospitalization.

This often means people spend years with scoliosis without really doing anything proactive to treat it. And if they do, it’s often following generic advice from people who are not experts at treating scoliosis.

At our clinic, we often work with adults that have had scoliosis for decades, and seen results within a very short space of time.


Because we are experts who will thoroughly assess you, and then provide you with personalized, world-class treatments that are proven to deliver better, and much safer results than the scary alternatives – pills, injections, braces, and surgery!

How Can You Treat Scoliosis Without Pills Or Surgery?

The fastest way is to speak to me and my team who are scoliosis experts and have a proven track record of stopping the progression of people’s curve, and reducing it so they can avoid pills and surgery.

The exact treatments you will receive will depend on you – because you and your scoliosis are unique – but we have a range of techniques and treatment options that have helped hundreds of people like you live their life without the limits scoliosis often places on them.

How Can You Find Out More About Working With Scoliosis Expert David Butler?

Whether your scoliosis is getting worse and you’re desperate to avoid surgery, or you’re simply sick and tired of dealing with the pain, limitations, and inconvenience of scoliosis, me and my team are here to help.

And there are several free options which you can take to find out more about the most effective ways to treat and manage your scoliosis.

To get instant-access to free, expert advice, you can download a copy of my Free Report – Top 6 Scoliosis Questions Answered.

If you want a more personalized approach, then you can speak to us over the telephone from the comfort of your own home, in a Free Telephone Consultation.

And finally, we would love to welcome you into our clinic with a Free Discovery Visit. This means you can meet us, see the clinic, and get 1-1 time with a leading scoliosis expert in Utah.

You will leave with a much clearer understanding of your scoliosis, and know the best treatment options that are suitable for you.

The most important thing to do is pick one of these options – whichever feels right for you – because if you keep doing the same things you’ve always done, your scoliosis is almost certainly going to get worse.