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Understanding Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Understanding Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Causes, Symptoms, and TreatmentsDavid ButlerMay 16, 2024Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a condition that can cause both physical changes and emotional stress, affecting not just the individuals diagnosed but their families as well. This condition typically appears in children between the ages of 9 and 16, affecting more females than males. It often leads parents to worry about potential treatments, including bracing or surgery, as they watch for signs of progression in their child’s spinal curvature. What Causes Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis? The exact cause of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown, which is what the term “idiopathic” suggests. While genetic factors are believed to play a significant role, no specific activities or lifestyle choices have been directly linked to its development. This uncertainty often heightens the anxiety parents feel, leaving them concerned about the future impacts on their child’s health and quality of life. Symptoms to Watch For The most visible symptom of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. It may initially be noticed by a parent or during a routine check-up with a pediatrician. Besides the visible curve, some children may experience discomfort, although only about 20% report pain related to their scoliosis. More often, the emotional and psychological impact of the condition—particularly concerns about body image and the prospect of wearing a brace or undergoing surgery—is more significant than physical symptoms. Effective Treatments and Strategies While the prospect of managing adolescent idiopathic scoliosis can be daunting, there are effective treatments available that can prevent the condition from worsening and even reduce the curvature in some cases: The Schroth Method: This specialized approach involves exercises tailored to halt the progression of the spinal curve. By strengthening and stabilizing the muscles around the spine, the Schroth Method can improve posture, enhance the effectiveness of bracing, and potentially reduce the need for surgery. Bracing: For curves that are more pronounced, typically over 25 degrees, bracing is often recommended. While it can be a source of stress due to concerns about appearance and discomfort, braces are effective in preventing further curvature as the adolescent grows. Regular Monitoring and Support: Continuous monitoring by healthcare professionals helps in making timely decisions about the need for adjustments in treatment plans. Emotional and psychological support from family, healthcare providers, and peer support groups can also play a crucial role in managing the condition. Empowering Your Journey with Scoliosis At Align Therapy, we understand the challenges that come with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis—not just the physical aspects but also the emotional and psychological toll it can take. We are committed to supporting you and your child through this journey with compassionate, personalized care. Looking for Comprehensive Information? Dive into the complexities of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with our free advice report available on our website. This resource provides essential insights to help you understand and confidently manage scoliosis. Interested in a Tailored Approach? Schedule a FREE phone consultation with our specialists. We’re eager to learn about your specific challenges and explore ways we can support your journey toward an active, healthy lifestyle. Consider a Personal Visit: We invite you to a free discovery visit at our clinic. It’s a great chance to meet our team and see firsthand the tailored treatments we offer. Take charge of your scoliosis management, stay informed, and proactively participate in your treatment. The health of your spine is in your hands, and with focused care and strategic planning, you can lead a rewarding life with scoliosis. More Free Advice For Scoliosis  Read our blog – Understanding Scoliosis: Expert Answers to Your FAQs Read our blog – Scoliosis Self-Care: 10 Expert Tips for a Healthier Spine Follow us on social media for more helpful tips and advice – Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube [...] Read more...
5 Effective Scoliosis Exercises to Enhance Spinal Alignment
5 Effective Scoliosis Exercises to Enhance Spinal AlignmentDavid ButlerApril 19, 2024Living with scoliosis often means navigating a world where simple tasks become challenges, where the spine’s curve casts a longer shadow than just its physical shape on an X-ray. For many, scoliosis is not just about dealing with discomfort or a visible curve; it’s about managing the emotional weight that comes with feeling different, or limited, in a body that doesn’t align with the norm. Every bend, twist, or turn can be a reminder of these limitations, and it’s natural to feel a mix of frustration and hopelessness. However, the journey toward reclaiming one’s posture and reducing discomfort is not only possible but also empowering. Through targeted scoliosis exercises, individuals can gain better control over their condition and enhance their quality of life. Understanding the Link Between Scoliosis and Exercising Exercise and scoliosis might seem like uneasy allies at first glance. After all, could physical activity not exacerbate the spinal curvature? This is a common concern among patients and their families. However, the truth reveals a more hopeful narrative. Specific exercises designed for scoliosis can actually play a crucial role in managing and sometimes even mitigating the effects of the condition. Exercising with scoliosis is not about strenuous workouts that strain the spine but about strategic movements that promote strength, flexibility, and balance. These exercises help in realigning the spine, strengthening the muscles around it, and improving posture. The goal is to create a more symmetrical alignment of the body, which can reduce pain, improve function, and potentially slow the progression of the curve. Engaging in such a program under the guidance of a skilled physical therapist ensures that each movement is adapted to the individual’s specific curvature, ensuring safety and effectiveness. 5 Effective Scoliosis Exercises Here are five scoliosis exercises that have been proven to help enhance spinal alignment and provide relief. Remember, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise routine, especially when dealing with a condition like scoliosis. The Cat-Camel Stretch: This gentle exercise helps increase spinal flexibility and can be particularly soothing. Start on your hands and knees, arch your back towards the ceiling while tucking your head towards your chest (the cat position), then lower your back down and lift your head (the camel position). Repeat this sequence slowly, allowing each movement to stretch your spine. Pelvic Tilts: Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, tighten your abdominal muscles to press your spine flat against the floor. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. This exercise strengthens the core muscles, which support the spine, helping to maintain proper alignment. Bird-Dog Exercise: From a hands and knees position, extend one arm forward while stretching the opposite leg back. Hold this position for a few seconds before switching to the other arm and leg. This exercise enhances balance and stability, crucial for spinal alignment. Wall Sits: Stand with your back against a wall, walk your feet out slightly, and slide down into a seated position with your knees at a right angle. Hold this position for as long as you can. Wall sits strengthen the lower body and core, providing better support for the spine. Standing Row with Resistance Band: Attach a resistance band to a stable object at waist level. Hold the band with both hands and pull the elbows back, squeezing the shoulder blades together. This exercise strengthens the back muscles, which is vital for supporting the spine and enhancing posture. By incorporating these scoliosis exercises into your daily routine, you can take significant steps toward managing your scoliosis more effectively. These exercises are not just about physical health; they are about empowering yourself to live a fuller, more active life despite the challenges posed by scoliosis. Empowering Your Journey with Scoliosis Scoliosis doesn’t have to define your life. With proactive management and a positive mindset, you can greatly enhance your well-being despite scoliosis. At Align Therapy, we are committed to supporting you throughout this journey, offering customized care and professional guidance to help you thrive. You have the capability to control your scoliosis, and our team is ready to help you harness that potential. Looking for Comprehensive Information? Dive into the complexities of scoliosis with our free advice report, available on our website. This invaluable resource provides crucial insights to help you understand and manage your scoliosis confidently. Interested in a Tailored Approach? Schedule a FREE phone consultation with our specialists. We’re eager to learn about your specific challenges with scoliosis and explore ways we can support your journey toward an active, healthy lifestyle. Consider a Personal Visit: If you’re ready to explore more personalized treatment options, we invite you to a free discovery visit at our clinic. It’s a great chance to meet our team and see firsthand the tailored treatments we offer. Take charge of your scoliosis management, stay informed, and proactively participate in your treatment. The health of your spine is in your hands, and with focused care and strategic planning, you can lead a rewarding life with scoliosis. More Free Advice For Scoliosis  Read our blog – Understanding Scoliosis: Expert Answers to Your FAQs Read our blog – Scoliosis Self-Care: 10 Expert Tips for a Healthier Spine Follow us on social media for more helpful tips and advice – Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube [...] Read more...
Scoliosis FAQs: Insights and Advice from David Butler
Scoliosis FAQs: Insights and Advice from David ButlerDavid ButlerMarch 18, 2024Navigating the complexities of living with scoliosis brings up a myriad of questions and concerns. To help provide clarity and support, I, David Butler, alongside our team at Align Therapy, have compiled a series of frequently asked questions directly from our patients and their families. Our aim is to offer evidence-based answers and practical advice to empower those affected by scoliosis. Here are some of the most common queries we encounter, answered with the insights garnered from our years of specialized experience in scoliosis care. Q: Are there sports that are better for those with scoliosis? A: There are no specific sports that are better for scoliosis. In the early days of scoliosis treatment, patients were told to swim because it was “lower impact” on the spine. We have found since then that we need impact and weight bearing to improve bone health and build strength. Swimming also seems to cause more rotation of the spine which is one of the 3 dimensions of deformity. Not that swimming is bad, but make sure you are doing something else on land as well. Q: What mattress is better for those with scoliosis? A: A commonly asked question, but there is nothing in the research to support one mattress over another. The best advice is to sleep on a bed that is comfortable. This usually is a medium firm to firm mattress, but not for everyone. We wish there was a perfect mattress for everyone, but there isn’t, yet! Q: How should I sleep if I have a scoliosis curve? A: Deciding which side to sleep on is challenging with scoliosis because most people have 2 curves. Best is to sleep on the side that allows for opening of the concavity. What that means is the side of the curve that is collapsed needs to stay more open. With a firmer mattress, this could be with that side up, and with a softer mattress the concavity is down. This is just a guideline and you need to make the decision based on how you feel. Q: Can people tell that I have a scoliosis curve? A: Most scoliosis curves cannot be seen or noticed unless someone knows what they are looking for. If you have a larger curve, those imbalances are more noticeable, but many times people do not notice a mild or moderate curvature. If you have one curve instead of two, the imbalances are more and might be more noticeable. Q: Are there any famous people with scoliosis? A: Yes! Usain Bolt, Kurt Cobain, Natalie Coughlin, King Tutankhamen, and many others have had, or do have scoliosis. With multiple Olympic athletes having scoliosis and competing at an extremely high level, scoliosis doesn’t have to limit you! Q: My daughter won’t wear a scoliosis brace. What can I do? A: Keep trying! The suggestion is to find something that motivates her to keep the brace on. Bracing is usually not enjoyable, but it is effective when done correctly. Connecting with someone her age who is also braced can be very helpful, and we would suggest looking into that. Support groups can also be helpful. Our hope is that these answers not only provide immediate clarity but also serve as a source of comfort and empowerment for those living with scoliosis. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and at Align Therapy, we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Fostering Hope and Taking Charge Scoliosis may be complex, but it doesn’t need to shape your future. By taking active steps and maintaining an optimistic outlook, you can significantly influence your experience with scoliosis. At Align Therapy, we’re dedicated to walking this journey alongside you, providing personalized care and expert advice every step of the way. You possess the strength to manage your scoliosis, and our team is eager to assist you in unlocking that potential. Seeking Deeper Insights? Explore the details of scoliosis through our complimentary advice report available on our website. Filled with essential information, this resource is designed to empower you with the understanding and assurance needed to navigate your scoliosis. Ready for a Custom Plan? Take advantage of a free phone consultation with our experts. We’re keen to understand your unique scoliosis challenges and discuss how we can aid you in achieving a vibrant and active lifestyle. Visit Our Facility: If you’re considering taking the next step in your treatment plan, join us for a complimentary discovery visit at our clinic. This visit is an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with our team and the customized treatment options available to you. Take control of your health, stay well-informed, and be proactive in your care. Your spine’s health is in your control, and with dedicated attention and planning, a fulfilling life with scoliosis is attainable. More Free Advice For Scoliosis  Read our blog – Understanding Scoliosis: Expert Answers to Your FAQs Read our blog – Scoliosis Self-Care: 10 Expert Tips for a Healthier Spine Follow us on social media for more helpful tips and advice – Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube [...] Read more...
Understanding Scoliosis: Expert Answers to Your FAQs
Understanding Scoliosis: Expert Answers to Your FAQsDavid ButlerFebruary 16, 2024Welcome to our blog series dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of scoliosis. I’m David Butler, a Physical Therapist and the Owner of Align Therapy. Through years of specialized practice, I’ve encountered numerous questions from patients and families navigating the complex landscape of scoliosis treatment. This series aims to shed light on these frequently asked questions, providing clarity and guidance. Today, we’re diving into some of the most common inquiries we receive. This is the first installment of a three-part series, so stay tuned for more in-depth discussions on our other website. What Causes Scoliosis? For the majority of scoliosis cases, especially those in children, the cause is not known. The other cases are mostly related to neurological or congenital (from birth) problems. In adults, scoliosis can be caused by degeneration of the spine due to wear and tear of the joints and other structures. Sometimes, though not commonly, scoliosis is caused following other surgeries that involve the trunk or abdomen. Understanding the root cause of scoliosis can help tailor the treatment approach, although in many cases, treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing progression rather than addressing a specific cause. Does Scoliosis Cause Pain? Not all those with scoliosis will have pain. While scoliosis itself may not be the direct cause of pain, the muscle imbalance and strain on the spine and surrounding muscles certainly can contribute to discomfort. The most common area to have pain with scoliosis is on the convex side of the curve in the muscles along the spine, though imbalances can cause pain in various locations. This insight underpins the importance of addressing muscular imbalances and spinal alignment in the management of scoliosis-related pain. Will I Need Surgery? Most likely, no! The majority of scoliosis cases are mild and require no significant intervention. For curves at risk of progression, scoliosis-specific exercise (like The Schroth Method) and bracing can effectively reduce the need for surgery. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that despite our best efforts, some curves do progress to a point where surgery becomes a consideration. The advancements in scoliosis surgery techniques are ongoing, aiming to improve outcomes and reduce the need for such interventions. My Doctor Said to Wait and See if It Gets Worse. Is There Anything Else I Can Do? YES! Opting for a proactive approach rather than a “wait and see” strategy can be beneficial. Various conservative treatment methods can help reduce progression, improve balance and strength, and potentially prevent the need for more invasive treatments. Embracing an active stance towards scoliosis management can make a significant difference in outcomes, highlighting the value of early and continuous intervention. Does Scoliosis Cause Problems with Pregnancy or Getting Pregnant? Usually, scoliosis does not cause any issues with pregnancy or the ability to get pregnant. However, individual experiences may vary, and some challenges associated with larger curves could arise. It’s relatively rare, but rib rotation or significant spinal curvature might cause discomfort during pregnancy. Consulting with an OB-GYN can provide personalized insights based on your specific condition. How Do You Treat Scoliosis? At Align Therapy, we adopt a comprehensive approach to scoliosis treatment, utilizing The Schroth Method, The SEAS Approach, core strengthening, manual therapy, and other physical therapy-related treatments. Each patient receives a tailored treatment plan, designed to address their unique challenges and goals. Emphasizing research-backed methods ensures that our interventions are grounded in evidence, offering the best chance for improvement and management of scoliosis. As we conclude this first part of our scoliosis FAQ series, remember that you’re not alone on this journey. Our commitment at Align Therapy is to provide expert guidance, support, and effective treatment options for those affected by scoliosis. Stay tuned for the next installments in this series, where we’ll explore more aspects of scoliosis care and management. Embracing Hope and Action Scoliosis, while complex, doesn’t have to define your life’s narrative as you grow older. Taking proactive measures and holding onto a positive perspective can greatly impact your scoliosis journey. At Align Therapy, our commitment is to navigate this path with you, offering tailored care and our professional expertise every step of the way. Remember, you have the capacity to manage your scoliosis, and our team is here to support you in harnessing that power. Looking for More Information? Delve into the nuances of scoliosis with our free advice report, accessible on our website. Packed with crucial insights, this guide aims to equip you with knowledge and confidence as you manage your scoliosis. Interested in a Tailored Strategy? Engage in a complimentary phone consultation with our specialists at no charge. We’re ready to learn about your specific challenges with scoliosis and explore ways to support your journey towards a dynamic and fulfilling life. Consider Visiting Our Clinic: Should you decide it’s time to advance your treatment journey, we warmly invite you for a free discovery visit at our clinic. It’s the perfect chance to get acquainted with our space and the personalized treatment paths we provide. Empower yourself, stay informed, and actively participate in your healthcare. The health of your spine is in your hands, and with focused care and strategy, living a rewarding life with scoliosis is within your reach. More Free Advice For Adult Degenerative Scoliosis  Read our blog – Does Scoliosis Get Worse With Age? Read our blog – Scoliosis Self-Care: 10 Expert Tips for a Healthier Spine Follow us on social media for more helpful tips and advice – Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube [...] Read more...
Does Scoliosis Get Worse With Age?
Does Scoliosis Get Worse With Age?David ButlerJanuary 29, 2024Living with scoliosis can often feel like a journey through uncharted waters. One of the most nagging uncertainties you might face is the question: Does scoliosis get worse with age? This worry can cast a shadow over daily life, creating a sense of unease about the future. Whether it’s a personal struggle or watching a loved one cope with the condition, the fear of progression can be a constant, lingering concern. But it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this journey. Understanding scoliosis and how it changes over time is a critical step in reclaiming control and confidence in your life. Does Scoliosis Get Worse With Age? The answer to whether scoliosis worsens with age isn’t straightforward and varies from person to person. While scoliosis can progress, it’s not a definitive fate for everyone. The extent and nature of progression depend on various factors, including the type and severity of the curve, age, and overall health. But here’s the hopeful part: progression isn’t inevitable, and there are effective ways to manage and potentially reduce the risk of your scoliosis worsening as you age. 5 Ways to Prevent Scoliosis from Worsening with Age 1. Stay Active with Scoliosis-Specific Exercises: Regular physical activity tailored to your scoliosis can be a game-changer. Engaging in exercises specifically designed for scoliosis patients helps strengthen and stabilize your spine, potentially slowing or preventing progression. These exercises often focus on symmetry, balance, and strengthening the core, which provides essential support to your spine. 2. Prioritize Regular Physical Therapy Sessions: Consistent physical therapy, under the guidance of a specialist familiar with scoliosis, is crucial. A physical therapist can design a personalized exercise program that addresses your specific needs and helps maintain spinal flexibility and strength. 3. Mind Your Posture: Being mindful of your posture in daily activities can significantly impact your spinal health. Simple corrections in how you sit, stand, and move can reduce stress on the spine and help maintain its alignment. 4. Incorporate Stretching and Yoga: Gentle stretching and yoga can enhance flexibility and reduce discomfort. These activities encourage a more balanced, aligned posture and can be particularly beneficial for individuals with scoliosis. 5. Regular Check-ups and Monitoring: Regular consultations with a healthcare provider specializing in scoliosis are essential. These check-ups help monitor any changes in your spine and allow for timely adjustments in your care plan. Early detection of any progression is key to managing scoliosis effectively. Embracing Hope and Action While scoliosis can be a complex condition, it doesn’t have to dictate the quality of your life as you age. By embracing proactive steps and maintaining a positive outlook, you can significantly influence the course of your condition. At Align Therapy, we are committed to guiding you through this journey with personalized care and expertise. Remember, the power to influence your scoliosis lies in your hands, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Seeking Further Insights? Dive deeper into understanding scoliosis with our complimentary advice report available on our website. This resource is brimming with essential information to empower you on your scoliosis journey. Ready for a Personalized Approach? Schedule a no-cost phone consultation with our expert team. We’re eager to understand your unique scoliosis challenges and discuss how we can assist you in embracing a vibrant, active lifestyle. Visit Our Clinic: If you feel prepared to take the next step, we invite you to a complimentary discovery visit at our clinic. This is a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with our facility and explore the treatment options we offer. Stay empowered, well-informed, and take proactive steps in your health journey. Your spine’s wellbeing is in your control, and with dedicated care and management, a fulfilling life beyond the bounds of scoliosis is attainable. More Free Advice For Adult Degenerative Scoliosis  Read our blog – Why You Should Avoid Scoliosis Medical Devices Read our blog – Scoliosis Exercises To Avoid That Cause You More Back Pain And Can Enlarge The Curve Follow us on social media for more helpful tips and advice – Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube [...] Read more...
Scoliosis Self-Care: 10 Expert Tips for a Healthier Spine
Scoliosis Self-Care: 10 Expert Tips for a Healthier SpineDavid ButlerJanuary 15, 2024Living with scoliosis can be a complex journey, but with the right scoliosis self-care strategies, it’s absolutely possible to lead a fulfilling and active life. Whether you’re concerned about the potential progression of your scoliosis or you’ve explored various methods, it’s vital to recognize that not all approaches yield the same results. Join me as I explore 10 expert tips to help you or your loved one manage scoliosis more effectively and achieve a healthier spine through scoliosis self-care practices. Scoliosis Self-Care Tips 1. Understanding Your Unique Curve Every scoliosis case is as unique as the individual it affects. It’s crucial to understand your or your child’s specific curve type. Knowledge is power, and understanding the nature of the curve can guide you in choosing the right self-care strategies. 2. Regular Physical Therapy Physical therapy is a cornerstone of scoliosis management. Exercises tailored to your specific curve can strengthen and stabilize your spine. Don’t just go for any exercise you find online. It’s about what’s right for your body. 3. Mindful Posture Awareness Being conscious of your posture during daily activities can make a big difference. Whether you’re sitting, standing, or moving, small adjustments in posture can help alleviate stress on your spine. Ergonomic setups at work or school are also beneficial. 4. Gentle Stretching and Yoga Incorporating gentle stretching or yoga into your routine can increase flexibility and reduce discomfort. Focus on stretches that are scoliosis-friendly, avoiding anything that puts undue strain on your back. 5. The Power of Pilates Pilates, especially when guided by a professional aware of your scoliosis, can be great for core strengthening. A strong core equals better support for your spine. 6. Proper Nutrition A balanced diet plays a crucial role in overall health and can support your spine health too. Calcium and Vitamin D are essential for bone health, so make sure your diet is rich in these nutrients. 7. Stay Hydrated It might sound simple, but staying hydrated is vital for maintaining the health of the spinal discs and overall bodily functions. This is because it helps maintain the hydration and fluidity of the spinal discs, which act as shock absorbers in the spine, reducing the risk of compression and injury to the vertebrae and promoting overall bodily functions. 8. Adequate Sleep and Proper Mattress Good sleep is essential for the body’s repair process, including the spine. Ensure you have a supportive mattress and a sleeping position that doesn’t put extra strain on your back. Sometimes, small adjustments to your sleeping setup can lead to significant improvements in comfort. 9. Stress Management Techniques Stress can exacerbate scoliosis pain and discomfort. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even engaging in hobbies can help manage stress levels, which in turn can positively affect your spinal health. 10. Regular Check-ups Staying on top of your condition with regular check-ups is key. These visits are not just for monitoring your scoliosis but also for adjusting your self-care plan as needed. Beyond Scoliosis Self-Care Remember, scoliosis doesn’t have to define your life. These self-care strategies are about empowering you to take charge of your health and maintain an active, happy lifestyle. And remember, if you have any questions or need more personalized advice on scoliosis self-care, I’m here to help. At Align Therapy, we believe in a holistic approach to managing scoliosis, blending professional care with effective self-care strategies. Feel free to reach out, or better yet, come and see us at the clinic. Together, we can craft a scoliosis management plan that’s tailored just for you or your loved one. Interested in Learning More? For additional insights into scoliosis and its management, download the free advice report on our website. It’s packed with valuable information to guide you on your journey. Let’s Connect: If you’re ready to explore how we can support your scoliosis journey, schedule a free telephone consultation with our team. We’re here to discuss your specific needs and how we can help you embrace a life of wellness and activity. Come and See Us: If you’re ready for the next step, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where we can show you around the clinic and discuss our treatments. Stay strong, stay informed, and take care. Your spine health is in your hands, and with the right care and attention, you can lead a life that’s not limited by scoliosis. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on scoliosis treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free advice and updates from our clinic. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great advice from our expert team. Listen to our podcast to hear stories from our patients. Read our expert article to find out Scoliosis Exercises To Avoid That Cause You More Back Pain And Can Enlarge The Curve. Discover Why You Should Avoid Scoliosis Medical Devices. Can Scoliosis Be Fixed Or Is It Something You’ll Always Suffer With? – find out from our blog. [...] Read more...
Scoliosis Exercises To Avoid That Cause You More Back Pain And Can Enlarge The Curve
Scoliosis Exercises To Avoid That Cause You More Back Pain And Can Enlarge The CurveDavid ButlerNovember 23, 2023Dealing with scoliosis can be a challenging journey, and many individuals are eager to find ways to improve their condition through exercises for scoliosis. I know how worried you are that your condition will get worse over time and you’ve probably tried everything to get better, including scoliosis exercises. However, not all exercises are created equal when it comes to scoliosis management. In fact, some exercises can exacerbate your condition, causing more back pain and potentially enlarging the curve. Read this blog to find scoliosis exercises to avoid and provide guidance on making informed choices to manage your scoliosis effectively. Understanding Scoliosis Before we delve into the exercises to avoid, let’s briefly understand what scoliosis is. Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. While there are various types of scoliosis, the most common is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), which typically develops during adolescence. Scoliosis can lead to discomfort, pain, and a range of other physical issues if not managed properly. Scoliosis Exercises: A Double-Edged Sword Exercise can play a crucial role in managing scoliosis by promoting flexibility, strength, and overall spinal health. However, it’s essential to distinguish between beneficial scoliosis exercises and those that may do more harm than good. Here are a few scoliosis exercises you shouldn’t be doing. Scoliosis Exercises To Avoid Traditional Sit-Ups and Crunches: These exercises can put excessive pressure on your spine and may worsen your scoliosis. Instead, focus on exercises that strengthen your core without straining your back, such as planks or modified abdominal exercises. Heavy Weightlifting: Lifting heavy weights with improper form can place unnecessary stress on your spine. It’s essential to work with a knowledgeable trainer who understands your condition and can guide you in safe strength training exercises. High-Impact Activities: Activities like running or jumping can be jarring to the spine, potentially causing discomfort for individuals with scoliosis. Low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling may be better options. Twisting Movements: Movements that involve excessive twisting of the spine, such as some yoga poses or rotational exercises, should be approached with caution or avoided altogether. Gentle stretching and controlled movements are a better choice. Overstretching: While flexibility is crucial, overstretching your spine can lead to instability and discomfort. Ensure you perform stretches recommended by a scoliosis specialist or physical therapist to maintain balance. The Importance of Professional Guidance When dealing with scoliosis, it’s crucial to seek guidance from healthcare professionals who specialize in scoliosis management. They can assess your condition and provide tailored recommendations for safe and effective exercises. While exercises for scoliosis can be beneficial, it’s equally essential to avoid exercises that may worsen your condition. By steering clear of the exercises mentioned above and seeking professional guidance, you can take proactive steps toward managing your scoliosis effectively. The Best Treatment For Scoliosis If you’re suffering from scoliosis and are looking for help in improving your curvature, then we are here to help you. As the leading scoliosis specialist in Utah, I’ve helped thousands of people improve their condition, so they can lead a fulfilling life. If you want to know more about working with me, you can start with a few free options. For more information on natural scoliosis treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some useful information for you to look at. Another option is to book a free telephone consultation with our expert team to discuss in more detail how we can help you recover fast and naturally without painkillers, injections, or surgery. If you’re ready for the next step, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where we can show you around the clinic and discuss our treatments. I know that you’re worried things won’t get better, but you will not know it until you try. Reach out to us today to see how we can help you. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on scoliosis treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free advice and updates from our clinic. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great advice from our expert team. Listen to our podcast to hear stories from our patients. Read our expert article to find out Why You Should Avoid Scoliosis Medical Devices. Can Scoliosis Be Fixed Or Is It Something You’ll Always Suffer With? Find out from our blog. Find The Best Way To Avoid Scoliosis Surgery. [...] Read more...
Why You Should Avoid Scoliosis Medical Devices
Why You Should Avoid Scoliosis Medical DevicesDavid ButlerOctober 2, 2023Have you or your child been diagnosed with scoliosis and looking for some answers? I understand how you feel, you must be confused, worried, or even angry that this happened to you or your child. You’ve probably searched for treatments online hoping you’d get a solution. However, scoliosis cannot be fixed within a day and it’s important to understand how to deal with this condition properly before it gets worse or you resort to things that are not the best options. This blog will discuss a topic that is crucial for anyone dealing with scoliosis: the use of scoliosis medical devices. When it comes to managing this condition, it’s essential to make informed decisions about your treatment options. Read this blog to find out why you should think twice before embracing scoliosis medical devices. The Problem With Scoliosis Medical Devices  Now, let’s discuss why you should exercise caution when considering scoliosis medical devices. Many devices on the market claim to correct or alleviate scoliosis, but they often fall short of delivering meaningful results. Here are some key reasons to be skeptical of these devices. Lack Of Scientific Research  One of the most significant concerns with scoliosis medical devices is the lack of solid scientific evidence to support their efficacy. These devices often make bold claims, promising to “cure” scoliosis or reduce curvature. However, when you look for peer-reviewed studies or clinical trials backing up these claims, you’ll often come up empty-handed. One-Size-Fits-All Approach  Scoliosis is a complex condition with varying degrees of severity and unique characteristics for each individual. Scoliosis medical devices typically offer a one-size-fits-all solution, which may not address the specific needs of your condition. What works for one person may not be suitable for another, and attempting to force your spine into a pre-determined shape can lead to discomfort and potential harm. Potential For Harm A mild scoliosis X-ray may tempt some to seek quick fixes, but it’s essential to remember that not all cases of scoliosis require treatment. In fact, many mild cases do not progress or cause significant issues if you start physical therapy right away. Using medical devices unnecessarily can lead to discomfort, and muscle imbalances, and even worsen the condition in some cases. Lost Opportunity  By investing time and money in scoliosis medical devices, you might miss out on other proven treatments that can genuinely benefit you or your child. Physical therapy and exercises, when prescribed by a qualified professional, can offer more tailored and evidence-based approaches to scoliosis management. Don’t buy into the products that are not the right solution. The Best Treatment For Scoliosis While the allure of scoliosis medical devices may be enticing, the lack of scientific evidence, the one-size-fits-all approach, the potential for harm, and the opportunity cost make them a questionable choice for many individuals. Instead, you need to seek guidance from qualified healthcare professionals who specialize in scoliosis management. As the leading scoliosis specialist in Utah, I’ve helped thousands of patients improve their curvature by using only natural treatments without the need for medication or scoliosis medical devices. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with a few free options. To find out more about various treatments for scoliosis, you can download our free advice report where we’ve put together some useful information. You can also arrange a free telephone consultation with one of our experts during which we can discuss your or your child’s specific condition and see how we can help you. If you are ready to take the next step, you can come and see us for a free discovery visit at our clinic where we can meet in person, show you around the facilities, and see whether we are the right fit for you. Don’t wait for your or your child’s scoliosis to get worse. Get in touch with us today and let’s start the therapy, so you can get back to enjoying your life without any pain and limitations. More Free Advice On Scoliosis  For more free information on scoliosis treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see what’s been happening in our clinic. You can also watch our YouTube videos to get advice on how to do exercises correctly. We also host a podcast where you can listen to successful stories from our patients. Can Scoliosis Be Fixed Or Is It Something You’ll Always Suffer With? Read our expert article to find out. Will A Scoliosis Brace Work To Reduce Your Curve? Find out from our blog. Find out what is The Best Way To Avoid Scoliosis Surgery.   [...] Read more...
Can Scoliosis Be Fixed Or Is It Something You’ll Always Suffer With?
Can Scoliosis Be Fixed Or Is It Something You’ll Always Suffer With?David ButlerSeptember 18, 2023If you’ve been diagnosed with scoliosis, you’re probably wondering how to fix scoliosis and if there is any hope for a solution. I know how difficult it is when you have scoliosis, and I understand how you feel. Perhaps you’ve been told that it’s something you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life. You’ve likely read stories of people who were forced to give up the things they love, like sports or other activities, because of their condition. But the truth is, there are ways how to fix scoliosis and regain your quality of life. Read this blog to find out more about this condition and how to fix scoliosis. What Is Scoliosis?  I know that you are worried, you feel scared, and maybe you’re hopeless thinking that scoliosis will stop you from doing many things you love in life. However, things don’t have to be like this and it’s important to understand that every individual is different, so scoliosis doesn’t have to determine everything in your life. Firstly, it’s important to understand what scoliosis is before you assume that there is no way how to fix scoliosis. It’s a condition where the spine is curved to the side. It can occur at any age, but it is most commonly detected during adolescence. The curvature can be mild or severe and can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, neuromuscular disorders, or even poor posture. Many people who have scoliosis lead normal, active lives, while others experience pain, breathing issues, or fatigue. However, there are treatment options available to help manage these symptoms. Can Scoliosis Be Fixed? If you’ve been diagnosed with scoliosis, then you’ve most likely asked yourself questions like “Can you fix scoliosis?” or “How to fix scoliosis?” and you might have seen information on surgery for scoliosis. However, surgery isn’t your only option and there are other things you can do to improve your condition without resorting to risky solutions. The most common approach to treating scoliosis is through bracing. The brace is usually worn for 16-23 hours a day and aims to straighten the spine by applying pressure to the curved area. Wearing a brace may be helpful in adolescence, but is mostly redundant in adults who already have a developed and grown body. Other treatment options for scoliosis include physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage therapy. These options can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with scoliosis and improve mobility. Yoga and Pilates have also been shown to help improve posture and overall muscle strength, which can help reduce the impact of scoliosis on one’s daily life. Maintaining a healthy weight can also help manage symptoms of scoliosis. The Best Treatment For Scoliosis If you’ve been wondering what are the best ways how to fix scoliosis, then you should definitely look into starting physical therapy first before you choose other options. As the leading scoliosis specialist in Utah, I’ve been able to help thousands of people improve their scoliosis and be able to get back to activities they love without the need for surgery or bracing. You can do things you love doing, it’s your choice to get the best natural treatment you can to avoid your scoliosis getting worse. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can take a look at our free options to start with. For more information on a scoliosis condition and natural treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some useful tips on managing this condition. Another option is to schedule a free telephone consultation with our specialist team during which we can talk about your specific scoliosis curve and condition to find out how we can help you in the best way we can. You can also come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where we can discuss in person how we can help you reach your goals and get you back to doing all the activities that you love.  The most important thing is to choose one of these options now before your curve gets worse. Time is very important when it comes to scoliosis, so the sooner we start the treatment the better your chances for fast improvement. More Free Advice On Scoliosis If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on scoliosis treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more great advice and to see what’s been happening in our clinic. Watch our YouTube videos to learn what are the best exercises for scoliosis. You can also listen to our podcast to hear inspiring stories from other scoliosis patients. Read our expert article to find out What To Do When Your Back Hurts From Scoliosis – Without Resorting To Painkillers. Will A Scoliosis Brace Work To Reduce Your Curve? Read our blog to find out. Learn about The Best Way To Avoid Scoliosis Surgery.   [...] Read more...
The Best Natural Treatments For Scoliosis
The Best Natural Treatments For ScoliosisDavid ButlerAugust 18, 2023Are you suffering from scoliosis and you fear that you will need scoliosis surgery at some point in the future? I understand how scary it is when you just found out that you have scoliosis and you’re not sure what to do and where to get help from. You might be thinking that your scoliosis will stop you from doing many things in life like hobbies, favorite sports, or even work. However, it doesn’t have to be like this. There are some things you can do to improve your curvature without having to go through risky scoliosis surgery. Read this blog to find out what you can do to improve your scoliosis without pills, injections, or surgery. Scoliosis Natural Treatments  There are different natural remedies for scoliosis that you can try before you resort to the last option available which is scoliosis surgery. I know you might be skeptical and thinking that natural ways to fix your spine aren’t going to work but you should try it first and see if it helps your curvature. Scoliosis surgery recovery time takes long and you might experience side effects, so it’s better to avoid it at all costs and use natural treatments instead. Yoga For Scoliosis If you’re suffering from scoliosis and want to find ways to avoid scoliosis surgery, then you should try yoga exercises that strengthen your spine. In general, yoga stretches may seem easy and ineffective as you’re not lifting heavy weights like you would when exercising at the gym, but in fact all the yoga exercises are designed to strengthen your core muscles and joints. Trying yoga stretches that are specifically for the spine can help you reduce the curvature or at least slow down its progress and prevent the curve from getting bigger. You should try yoga with a professional yoga instructor who knows exactly what stretches are best for your spine. Acupuncture For Scoliosis Another thing you can try is acupuncture treatment for your scoliosis. Some people who have tried acupuncture before mentioned that it did help in reducing the pain that sometimes scoliosis sufferers experience. Acupuncture targets specific muscles and nerves in your body which can relax tense muscles, joints, and nerves. This can bring you pain relief and the feeling of relaxation. If you’re scared of needles then you’ll be happy to know that acupuncture doesn’t hurt. Try it and see for yourself, maybe it will help your spine. Focus On Nutrition  This may seem irrelevant to you at first, but good nutrition is the key to getting healthy and treating various conditions. Some studies have proved that good nutrition can help in treating scoliosis as your bones, muscles, and overall body condition are good and help in the healing and recovery process. If you want to avoid scoliosis surgery or any other medical procedure, then you should try to stay in good health. Some of the things your healthy diet should include are fresh fruits and vegetables, probiotics like yoghurt, foods high in fiber, and protein foods like salmon and eggs. You should avoid eating sweets and unhealthy snack foods, fried food, excess dairy products, and red meat. The Best Way To Avoid Surgery For Scoliosis  If you’re scared of scoliosis surgery and want to do everything you can to avoid it, then you should start physical therapy. I know your doctors may have told you that you should wait and see if your scoliosis gets worse and come back in a few months, but this is the worst thing you can do. A lot of doctors are not aware of physical therapy treatment for scoliosis, so they advise you to wait hoping it won’t get worse, but usually it does and then it’s too late to treat it naturally. Scoliosis surgery recovery time takes long and having surgery doesn’t guarantee that you will get better. My approach to treating scoliosis is different. There are stretches and exercises that you can do to correct your spine, and I can help you with that. As the leading scoliosis specialist in Utah, I’ve worked with thousands of scoliosis patients and helped them avoid surgery for scoliosis. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with several free resources. For more information on scoliosis treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put all the relevant information about scoliosis, and how to treat it. If you are skeptical and want to speak to us first to find out how we can help you avoid scoliosis surgery, you can schedule a free telephone consultation and we can answer all your questions. Another option is to meet us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where you can meet the team, see the facilities, and talk to us about your scoliosis problem and we can take it from there. The most important thing is to choose one option now and get the help that you need before your scoliosis gets worse. More Free Advice On Scoliosis  If you want to stay up to date with the latest scoliosis advice, you can follow us on social media, listen to our podcast, and read our expert articles about scoliosis. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free advice from me, the leading scoliosis specialist in Utah. Watch our YouTube videos to find useful information on scoliosis and why you should take action now. Listen to our podcast and see how others overcame their scoliosis without surgery. Read our expert article to find out What To Do When Your Back Hurts From Scoliosis – Without Resorting To Painkillers. Will A Scoliosis Brace Work To Reduce Your Curve? – Find out from our expert article.   [...] Read more...
What To Do When Your Back Hurts From Scoliosis – Without Resorting To Painkillers
What To Do When Your Back Hurts From Scoliosis – Without Resorting To PainkillersDavid ButlerJuly 7, 2023Have you been suffering from scoliosis back pain and you’re not sure what to do? Are you tired of being in constant pain? I understand how frustrating it is to feel constant pain and not be able to enjoy things because of that. Perhaps you’ve been suffering from this pain for so long that you start asking yourself “Does scoliosis cause back pain?” as you’re not sure there’s any other reason for your back pain? If this sounds like you, read this blog and find out what to do when your back hurts from scoliosis. Does Scoliosis Cause Back Pain And How Does That Happen? If you’ve been asking yourself “Does scoliosis cause back pain?” then the simple answer is yes. Scoliosis can lead to ongoing back pain, but it doesn’t mean it affects every person with scoliosis. Some people don’t have scoliosis back pain or their pain is less severe than for other people. Naturally, if you have scoliosis then your spine has curvature that is affecting the way your spine supports the weight of your body. Scoliosis back pain and its intensity depend on how big of a curvature you have. If your spine has a big curvature and it keeps increasing, then your pain will increase too. This happens because your spine is not straight so, usually, the lower part of your spine is the one that supports your body weight. Therefore, you might experience scoliosis back pain, especially in the lower parts of your back. I understand how painful it is when you wake up every day and feel the pain in your back. Your scoliosis back pain is stopping you from the things you love to do and limits the activities you can do. There are things that you can do to help ease your scoliosis back pain without the need for risky surgery or painkillers. Keep reading to find out what to do when your back hurts from scoliosis and how to get rid of the pain naturally. Here’s What To Do When Your Back Hurts From Scoliosis As with any back pain, there are some things you can do yourself that can help reduce the pain and get you through the day without being in constant pain. If you feel scoliosis back pain in the lower part of your back, then you can try the usual natural ways of coping with the lower back pain which should bring you some pain relief. If you’re wondering what to do when your back hurts from scoliosis, the best thing to do is to keep moving. It’s tempting to stay home, rest in bed or on the sofa and just wait for the pain to go away on its own, but this is not going to happen. If you rest for too long and stay still, your joints and muscles become stiff and will cause lower back pain once you start moving around again. Another alternative solution is to apply ice and heat on the area where you feel scoliosis back pain. Ice can help you relieve the pain in the affected area and you should feel some improvement. Be careful when applying ice, you should never directly apply ice onto your skin. You can use ice packs or even a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. If you want to relax your muscles and joints that are stiff, applying heat should help with that. You can apply a heat patch or a warm bottle to your scoliosis back pain to reduce the level of pain. Both ice and heat should be applied for at least 10 to 20 minutes and you should repeat the action every one hour to get significant relief from your scoliosis back pain. The Best Way To Stop Scoliosis Back Pain Without Taking Painkillers Now that you know what to do when your back hurts from scoliosis, you should seek advice on how to stop the back pain permanently. If you or your child is suffering from scoliosis, I appreciate how frustrating it is when you can’t do the things you want to do because your body is in too much pain. Maybe you’d like to see your child playing with other teenagers or kids, smiling again, and being able to enjoy all the activities that their friends do but they can’t due to ongoing scoliosis back pain that’s taking over their life. I understand how heartbreaking it must be to see your child suffer like this. Similarly, it must be painful for you if you’re struggling with scoliosis pain. It doesn’t have to stay like this forever. I’m here to tell you there are other options. Our natural treatment plans have been helping people with scoliosis back pain to get back to doing things they love. Whether you’ve been suffering from scoliosis for many years or you’ve been diagnosed recently, our expert team can help you reduce your curvature and manage your scoliosis back pain, so you can enjoy your life pain-free. Want To Know More About Scoliosis Treatments? If you would like to know more about natural ways to treat your scoliosis, we offer free advice where you can find all the information about different treatments for scoliosis curves and scoliosis back pain. You might not be sure whether you want to start the treatment immediately, and that’s ok. That’s why we offer a free advice report where you can read about scoliosis and learn about natural treatments. We also offer a free telephone consultation for those who would like to ask some questions first before coming to see us. Alternatively, if you are ready to take the next step and start the treatment, we offer a free discovery visit where you can come and see us at the clinic, meet our expert team, see the facilities, and ask any questions in person. The discovery visit is completely free and non-binding, so you don’t have to worry about paying any fees or being pushed into starting treatment right away. It’s important that you choose one of the options now, so you can take a step to living a life free of scoliosis back pain, and limitations. More Free Advice On Scoliosis Treatment If you’d like to get more free advice on scoliosis treatment options and how we can help with that, follow us on social media and listen to our podcast where we talk about scoliosis. Our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram  Our Podcast: The Scoliosis Experience Podcast [...] Read more...
Will A Scoliosis Brace Work To Reduce Your Curve?
Will A Scoliosis Brace Work To Reduce Your Curve?David ButlerJune 29, 2023Have you been diagnosed with scoliosis and are not sure whether a scoliosis brace is the right solution? Are you terrified of wearing a back brace for scoliosis as you’ve heard it will only make your scoliosis worse? Or maybe you’re here to find out if you can avoid risky surgery by wearing a scoliosis brace? We understand how scary it must be to find out that you have scoliosis and not know what your best options are. We want you to know everything about scoliosis and the best possible treatments so you can make an informed decision about your health. If this sounds like you, read this blog to find out all you need to know about using a back brace for scoliosis and how it can (or can’t) help you. How A Scoliosis Brace Works To put it simply, a scoliosis back brace is meant to support your back and put your spine back in the right position. There are many different shapes of braces depending on the curve of a patient. A scoliosis brace is made out of lightweight plastic designed to not overload your spine, so if you were worried this could be a problem, then you can relax. A back brace for scoliosis is there to support you in standing in the most optimal position as possible. It’s putting pressure on the outer edge of your curve which then makes you stand up in a straighter position as you’re body is pulling away from that pressure. If you want a simple definition of how a scoliosis back brace works, think of it as any other brace. When you’re wearing teeth braces, the pressure puts them together and aligns them in a straight position. The spinal brace works in a similar way. A scoliosis brace not only works to support your spine and reduce the curve but also to stop further development of the curve. Do Scoliosis Braces Work For Adults? If you’ve been diagnosed with scoliosis, we understand that it must be scary and you’re probably thinking that a back brace for scoliosis or surgery are your only options. Maybe you’ve been diagnosed in your early childhood and now as an adult, you’re so tired and frustrated of wearing the scoliosis brace that you would give up anything to live without it. Have you been asking yourself “Do Scoliosis Braces Work For Adults”? We know it is difficult for you as you’re trying to find out what are your best options and every doctor tells you something different or just asks you to wait and see. Currently, there is no research that would prove that a scoliosis brace works for adults. Usually, a back brace for scoliosis comes in handy when a child develops scoliosis as it can reduce the growth and development of the curve. This is because children are still growing and their body is not full developed yet, so the brace can help protect the spine and minimize the excessive bend to one side or the other. If you’re an adult who’s been diagnosed with scoliosis, wearing a back brace for scoliosis is unlikely to help as your body is already developed and you’re not growing anymore. So there isn’t much that a scoliosis brace can do for you. Apart from not bringing any changes to your scoliosis, a scoliosis back brace is uncomfortable as you might sweat during hot summers and it’s usually visible, so it might make you feel self-conscious and worried about the way you look. Instead of wearing a scoliosis brace that does not bring any effects, you should try scoliosis treatments that work and don’t involve risky surgery or having to wear an uncomfortable brace. Working with a scoliosis expert can help you reduce the impact of your scoliosis through personalized exercises and treatment plans. Treatments That Beat Wearing A Back Brace For Scoliosis If you’ve been diagnosed with scoliosis a few weeks, months, or years ago and your doctor keeps telling you to just wait and see if it gets worse, waiting is the last thing you should do. Scoliosis can develop slowly or rapidly, and it varies from one patient to another. What you don’t want to do is to wait and see and then end up having to wear a scoliosis brace that’s inconvenient and doesn’t help. There are exercises for scoliosis that can help you reduce the chances of a growing curve and help you avoid a back brace altogether. At our clinic, we’ve been helping patients with scoliosis treat their curve with proven and safe exercises despite the common misconception that surgery or a scoliosis brace are your only options. One form of exercise that we use is the Schrotch Method or the SEAS Approach which focuses on a series of exercises and stretches that focus on your spine and, if done regularly every day, can have a great positive impact on reducing the possibility of your curve developing further. These scoliosis exercises not only help you stay away from unnecessary surgery and an uncomfortable back brace but also put your spine back in its place and straighten your back if completed on a regular basis with the help of an expert physical therapist. If you’ve been told that there’s nothing that can help your scoliosis at this age, or that you should wait and see if it gets worse, or maybe if you’ve heard that a scoliosis brace is the only solution – don’t listen. Regular exercising is the key to getting your scoliosis reduced and helping you get back to enjoying life free of back braces and pain. The Fastest Way To Reduce Your Curve, Ease Your Back Pain, And Avoid A Surgery Are you feeling hopeless and want to get professional advice from someone who will actually help you other than ask you to wait and see what happens? We know that scoliosis can set your life back and make you worry about your future and the limitations you might have if the curve develops more. We want you to be able to enjoy your life to the fullest without any barriers, surgeries, or becoming dependent on a scoliosis brace. You deserve a chance at a better treatment than this. Our free advice on scoliosis treatment can help you start looking into different options and choosing what’s best for you. If you’re not sure whether you’re ready to take some action yet and want to have a look at resources, and read through some information about scoliosis and various treatments for adults and children, then we offer a free advice report for you to look at. We also offer a free telephone consultation for those who are a little hesitant and want to ask some questions first before coming to see us. During the call, you can tell us a bit more about your condition, and we can start from there. Finally, if you’ve had enough and you really want to make a change and enjoy life without a scoliosis brace or invasive surgery, we offer a free discovery visit at our clinic. You can come and meet the team, see the facilities, and get a face-to-face consultation. Don’t just wait and see as they’ve told you, choose one free option now and see how our expert team can help you. More Free Advice On Scoliosis Treatment For more advice on scoliosis treatment and how to live your life without a back brace, follow us on social media and listen to our podcast. Our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram  Our Podcast: The Scoliosis Experience Podcast  [...] Read more...
The Best Way To Avoid Scoliosis Surgery
The Best Way To Avoid Scoliosis SurgeryDavid ButlerFebruary 21, 2023You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂 Have you been suffering from scoliosis and you’re terrified that you will need to undergo scoliosis surgery in the future? I understand how frightening the thought of surgery for scoliosis is, and that’s why it is always best to avoid it at all costs. All surgeries come with a lot of stress, fear, and uncertainty. Surgery can have complications and side effects that are irreversible. Sometimes the risk factors that come with surgery are too much to handle and you don’t know what else you can do but you’d like to get better without taking such risks. I understand how you feel, and you’re not alone. I’ve helped thousands of patients who were in your situation. If you’re looking for a way to avoid scoliosis surgery and recover in a natural way, you should read this blog. Strengthen Your Core A straight core is the foundation of your spine. It is important to focus on your posture during the day and avoid risky movements such as bending, lifting heavy objects, and kneeling over. If your working environment demands heavy lifting, it’s best to consult this with your doctor and your employer as your health should be your priority and working healthy can help you avoid scoliosis surgery. To avoid surgery for scoliosis, you can also try exercises that strengthen your core such as planks, squats, and leg lifts. These exercises can help you make your core stronger, but you should seek our scoliosis expert advice on how to do exercises and stretches. If you do exercises incorrectly, you may cause more harm to your spine and put yourself at a bigger risk of scoliosis surgery. Sleep On The Right Mattress If you’ve been suffering from scoliosis and it’s leaving you with unbearable back pain, it may be caused by an inappropriate mattress. Scoliosis back needs a special mattress that will be suitable for your specific curve. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get any good sleep and you’re putting yourself in danger of risky scoliosis surgery that you’ve been trying to avoid. As with any matter relating to your scoliosis, it is always best to get advice from our scoliosis expert who can examine your curvature and advise you on the best mattress that will help you ease the pain and avoid surgery for scoliosis. Stay Active I know it seems impossible to stay active and do all the activities when you’re suffering from scoliosis, but it is possible. There are many activities that you still can do even if you have scoliosis, and they can help avoid surgery for scoliosis. Staying active can help you ease your pain and strengthen your spine, so you should try to keep moving as much as you can. Going for walks, swimming, and doing stretches recommended by our scoliosis expert can help you help reduce your curvature and avoid scoliosis surgery. At the end of the day, we don’t want you to have to go through risky scoliosis surgery, so it’s important that you keep active. The Best And The Fastest Way To Avoid Scoliosis Surgery While all the above advice is correct and can significantly help you with your scoliosis, we strongly advise that you get in touch with our scoliosis expert. Our expert can provide you with a personalized treatment plan that will focus on strengthening your spine, reducing curvature, and avoiding scoliosis surgery. Physical therapy can improve your scoliosis and we’ve worked with thousands of people with this condition and helped them avoid surgery for scoliosis. We offer several free options to start with. If you would like to read more about various types of scoliosis and different treatment options, we offer a free advice report where you can find all that information. Alternatively, we also offer a free telephone consultation that gives you a chance to speak to one of our experts from the comfort of your own home and tell us more about your condition to see how we can help. Finally, if you are ready to take the next step and do something to avoid scoliosis surgery, we offer a free discovery visit where you can come and see us, see the facilities, and tell us more about your condition and we can take it from there. It’s important to choose one of these options now and start the right treatment that will help you avoid surgery for scoliosis and prevent your curvature from getting worse. More Free Advice On Scoliosis If you would like to stay up to date with the most current news and information on scoliosis and treatment options, you can follow us on our social media and watch our regular podcast series. We also have a YouTube channel where you can find useful videos from our scoliosis expert. Our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram Our Podcast: The Scoliosis Experience Podcast Our YouTube Channel: Align Therapy [...] Read more...