Answers To Your Questions On Scoliosis

Scoliosis, whether in adults or adolescents, is a complex condition and can lead to a lot of confusion, worry and fear.

Over the years of helping people with Scoliosis in Utah, I have seen how effective conservative treatment can be, and how there are much safer, more effective alternatives to relying on painkillers and braces, or resorting to irreversible surgery.

Adult Scoliosis

If you’re an adult who suffers from scoliosis, you’ve probably dealt with the problem for many years, and have had to endure countless visits to doctors with minimal improvements to your curve.

In adulthood, scoliosis can stop you leading a normal life, and often leads to annoying back and neck problems which make it challenging for you to work, look after your home and family, and enjoy hobbies and sports like others can.

However, our team have helped hundreds of adults who’ve had scoliosis for decades reduce their curve, improve their mobility, and end their neck and back pain naturally and without unsightly braces and surgery.

Adolescent Scoliosis

If your child has scoliosis and you’re repeatedly told that nothing can be done, and that you should wait and see what happens until the next appointment, I understand that you are frustrated.

While you and your child wait, they have to suffer with the discomfort of a brace, the paranoia and self-consciousness at school because of their posture, and their fear of surgery in the near future.

Instead of waiting, you can do something about it and our team can provide safe, natural and proven treatments that have worked time and time again to stop the progression, and even reduce the curve of many children with scoliosis.