The Core Beliefs Of Utah’s Leading Scoliosis Specialist, David Butler

After seeing countless sufferers of scoliosis over the years, I have developed several key beliefs that I passionately stand by which allow me to give the best results for my patients, allowing them to avoid bracing and unnecessary surgery while getting back to living the life they want.


BELIEF #1 – Power of Conservative treatment

One of my strongest beliefs when it comes to treating people with scoliosis is that there is a lot of power in conservative treatments.

You’re probably thinking what are conservative treatments?

By this I mean treatments for your scoliosis that don’t include the use of strong medication, painkilling injections, or irreversible surgery.

Many adults with scoliosis, and parents of children with scoliosis, are terrified of these options and desperate for a natural alternative.

Thankfully, non-medicated, non-invasive treatments can be just as effective, if not better, and carry virtually no risk in comparison to pills, injections, and surgery.

At our clinic, we provide a completely personalized treatment plan to each patient which delivers proven, safe, and natural solutions to scoliosis.


BELIEF #2 – Limit the need for other interventions

By visiting our clinic, you are drastically reducing the need for invasive procedures such as injections and surgery – which are irreversible and often fail to work in the long term!

Many adults and children with scoliosis turn to surgery hoping that it will be the solution, however, in many cases, scoliosis symptoms return years, if not months later.

Surgery is also an extremely stressful experience with the risk of complications, infection, a long recovery time, and the need for hospitalization, it’s clear to see why people are desperate to avoid it.

This is why I strongly believe in using reversible treatments that can be undone, because not only does it deliver comparable results, it is much safer, natural and has far fewer risks.


BELIEF #3 – You deserve a positive environment

My final core belief that I strive for everyone in my clinic to follow, is that everyone that comes through my doors deserves a unique, positive experience.

I understand that it’s a hard time that you are going through if you have found yourself, or your child, with worsening scoliosis.

And your previous visits to doctors and specialists probably left you confused, fearful, and worried about the future. Even ignored, and rushed out of the door in many situations!

At my clinic, we make sure that you have someone there that can guide you through the entire process, listen to you, answer your questions, and give you the support that you need throughout your treatment.

Whether you are seeking a scoliosis expert in Utah for your child who has just received their diagnosis, or you or your child have had scoliosis for years, we can help you.

Can You See How Different We Are To All The Things You Tried To Help Your Scoliosis In The Past?

And this is why when people visit my clinic, they get results – even if they’ve spent years trying and failing with at-home stretches, countless doctors visits and scans, bottles of painkillers, and visits to chiropractors and massage therapists.

So why don’t you come to our clinic as part of a Free Discovery Visit.

This means you see how we treat, can meet the team, and get personalized advice and recommendations on the best treatment options that can deliver you or your child the fast, long-term, and drug-free pain relief you’re desperately searching for.